In a previous article we reviewed the multiple cloud storage manager MultCloud. We found that it is a nice to use tool, with many features and a large selection of cloud storage to pick from. Today, we review the new feature to migrate files from one cloud storage to another.
The first thing that we need to do is to connect the two accounts of interest. Then we click on the “Cloud Transfer” button.
In this dialog we select the source and target directory. But, even though, the description says “directory”, we can actually select the entire account.
When we click on the “Transfer Now” button all the files / folders that we have on Dropbox account will be transferred to Onedrive account. Before we click on that button, it is wise to click on the “Options” button.
With this Options dialog we control the problem of file conflict. The default choice is to skip that file, and move to the next one. We advise against the choice to delete the files in the source directory. Because the transfer process may take a significant amount of time, we can enter our email address and get a notification when it is finished.
Even though the tool to migrate the files from one account to another is free, if we exceed the limit of 50GB per month we have to update to a paid plan. Thus, it is nice to check the available space prior to transferring files.