An introduction to the iCloud Cloud Service

At first, we might think that the iCloud Cloud Service, is a storage service only for the owners of a Mac or an iPhone / iPad device. But, this assumption is absolutely wrong, because the iCloud also has a web site, and you can handle your files / folders from that site.

In order to use the iCloud cloud service we need an Apple ID. Yes, you are right if you think that this is something that we use to download apps from the AppStore, but, we can have one without a Mac or an iPhone device. As we can see in the following screenshots the process to create an Apple ID is straight forward.


Firstly, we need to enter our name and last name. We also need to select the country we are resign in, and we need to provide our day of birth.

Enter you name/ lastname, and select your country
Enter you name/ lastname, and select your country

Then, we need to scroll down, and enter our email address and a password.

Enter your email, and a password
Enter your email, and a password

As with all services, iCloud supports two way authentication. Thus, we need to scroll down little more, and enter our phone number. Now, in addition to the credentials, every time we login to iCloud, we will be asked to type a code that we will receive via SMS.

Enter your phone number
Enter your phone number

Unfortunately, the registration process is not over yet. At the bottom of the screen we will find a CAPTCHA that we need to fill out. There are two checkbox, that we are free to uncheck.

Final step in the creation of an Apple ID
Final step in the creation of an Apple ID

Finally, we are ready to complete the registration process. Click on the Continue button and you can start using the iCloud cloud service.

Log in / Sign in

Once the registration process is completed, we can go to the iCloud page and login.

iCloud Main page
iCloud Main page

At the main page we see all the things that we can do with the iCloud cloud service. In particular:

  • We can upload Files
  • We can create a Note
  • We can create a Spreadsheet file (via the Numbers application)
  • We can create a Document file (via the Page application)
  • We can create a Contact
  • We can create a Keynote presentation file

Because we are using the Web-version of the iCloud, the free storage is only 1GB. But, if we use this Apple ID in an iPhone / iPad device or on a Mac, the free storage will increase to 5GB.

We save the best part for last! From an iPhone/ iPad device or a Mac, we can update it to iCloud+ with 50GB for about 1€ per month (the exact amount varies for each country). You can find the exact cost at iCloud pricing.